Support Life-Changing Transformation Through DU

For 50 years, Discipleship Unlimited has been sharing the extravagant love of Jesus with incarcerated women, offering compassion, healing, and restoration. Through the power of the gospel, these women are finding freedom, even behind prison walls. Discipleship Unlimited's mission extends far beyond prison—it's about rebuilding lives.

Join Us in This Work of Hope

We invite you to partner with us in this vital mission, helping women transition into a new chapter of life. Three years ago, Discipleship Unlimited opened The Ranch, a serene haven for women leaving prison, where they can continue to grow spiritually, rebuild their lives, and find community.

We invite you to become part of this mission by joining our Circle of Valor—a community of dedicated donors committed to providing long-term support to women in need of restoration.

Circle of Valor

Educate and Support

A $45 monthly (or $540 annual) donation sustains biblically-based programs within prisons.

Sustain the Ranch

A $100 monthly (or $1,200 annual) donation provides housing and a fresh start for women newly released from prison.

Valor Guardian

A $3,000 annual donation sponsors one woman's complete journey through The Ranch's programs, covering all essential needs.

Why Your Support Matters:

Discipleship Unlimited offers women a path to restoration and hope, empowering them to embrace a second chance at life. Your donation fuels this transformative work, bringing not just healing and dignity, but also the life-changing message of the gospel into their lives. With your support, these women don’t just overcome their past—they thrive as they rebuild their futures and reintegrate into society.

Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.
— Psalm 34:5

Join our mission today and make a lasting impact on the lives of these courageous women. Your gift is fully tax-deductible, and we promise to steward it with the utmost care and integrity. Thank you for your generosity!

Would you like to see how your donation makes a difference?

We invite you to visit The Ranch or join a prison visit to witness the life-changing effects of your support firsthand. For more information, contact Linda Strom at

All contributions to Discipleship Unlimited are fully tax-deductible under 501(c)(3) status and are under the control of this ministry for equipping the body for the work of the Kingdom and for helping fulfill the Great Commission. 

We appreciate your generosity, as do the thousands who will be touched by your gift and what it provides, like what you see below: