We have wanted a faith-based dorm at Hilltop Trusty Camp for several years, and this month it was officially dedicated! Warden Nelson attended part of the evening and received a standing ovation from both the volunteers and the women in white. She has been very vocal and supportive of our dorms and speaks about the changed lives of the women who are our graduates.
Terry and Jake celebrating Jesus together
Terry and Jake did worship and Jill Briscoe challenged the women to take the message out to others. Our volunteers become family to those who have burned bridges with their own families. Spiritual bonds are formed. Jill and Stuart spent several days traveling to different prisons with us, and we loved it.
Labor Day they spoke on the 23rd Psalm and what it means to be a sheep in the flock of God. It was a powerful message on our dependency on the good shepherd.
Stuart Briscoe posted this:
We minister in many unusual places around the world but nowhere quite like the faith dorms in the Texas prisons. I know of no “congregation” more attentive to the teaching of the Word and no group of worshipers more evidently in tune with what they are singing. Stories of brokenness abound. But evidence of grace is on their very hand.
Thank you for your prayers and for your generous financial support. You are part of our ministry team.