Why Do Some Women Resist the Love of Christ?

Recently Dee Brestin came to speak in five different dorms. On Sunday, she and Brady went cell to cell in “Cell Block two” where, because of repeated offenses in prison, the women are only allowed out of their cell one out of every twenty-four hours. This is Dee’s account:

Some came right to us, asking for prayer. But when about half saw us, they turned their backs to us or stayed under their covers on their bunks.

Why, Lord? I would think they would be so eager for human contact. 

Immediately to my remembrance came our early years after adopting our daughter Beth from an orphanage in Thailand. She’d known only abuse in her childhood and would flinch if we tried to hug her. She had built a wall to protect herself. It can be discouraging to reach out to someone who keeps pushing you away, but the love of Christ can help us to have compassion and persist, and one day we may see Him bring down the wall.

After going cell to cell, we held “church” in a nearby windowless cement room. Women were allowed to get out of their cells if they chose to come. Yet many filed in expressionless, silent — like stones. How could we reach them? I sensed His still small voice. Tell them about Beth. Tell them I am near to the broken-hearted. And so I did.

"My husband and I adopted a twelve-year old girl from an orphanage. As a newborn, her arm had been cut off and she was thrown out into a field to die. But someone heard her cry and rushed her to the hospital. She grew up in an orphanage where she experienced more abuse and never love. She developed what experts call 'attachment disorder.' She didn’t trust anyone, didn’t want to attach to anyone. When we tried to hug her, she jumped. She was scared and broken-hearted.

They were listening. I saw a few tears. Thank you, Lord, I breathed.

"Satan wants to create 'attachment disorder' between you and God, so that you will reject your only lifeline. But Satan is a liar, because God loves you and is waiting for you with open arms. He is your 'good, good Father,' He is your 'loving Husband,' and He longs to heal you, forgive you, and make you His own. 'He is near,' the Bible says, 'to the broken-hearted.'”

Before my very eyes, Brady and I saw the Spirit of the Living God melt them. Afterwards in the response time they thanked me profusely, and one after another said, 'I have that attachment disorder. Pray for me.'"

Pray They May Escape the Snare of the Devil

Pray for them, please, that they might not believe the enemy’s lies and learn instead to trust and attach to their good, good Father.

Pray for the Discipleship Unlimited staff and volunteers that we will be filled with the joy and love of Jesus. That we will serve the Lord with gladness and always give thanks for all he has done for us.

We give thanks for your love, prayers and support.