Our ministry is exploding, and we are in wonder and prayer for our increased financial needs. One day in heaven, you’ll meet the women whose lives you impacted. Every day, we hear powerful testimonies of shattered relationships healed and families reunited.
Here’s a testimony from inside:
Kristie - Graduate - Murray Faith-Based Dorm
I spoke with my son for the first time in three years, my daughter for the first time in 12 years, and my brother for the first time ever! Isn’t God amazing?!! The person I once was has finally been left in the past! My job assignment is line control, working alongside the Correctional Officers. What an incredible feeling to be trusted by those in authority. WOW! God is preparing me for the free world.
Lisa shares her story for God's glory!
Lisa – Trained Discipleship Unlimited Volunteer
Lisa was involved in Celebrate Recovery while incarcerated at Woodman State Jail. She sent frequent letters and pictures to her two sons without a response. Her former husband moved out of state and, upon her release, made visits impossible.
After five painful, prayerful years, Lisa is finally reconnected to her sons. Her former husband and his wife have seen the transformation. Lisa says, “I am now getting to be a 'Real Mom' to my sons.” On a recent visit to her son’s home in Kentucky, her youngest son took her to his room. He showed her his treasures, and included in the treasure was a folder. “Mom, these are the letters and pictures you sent me while you were away.”
Dee Brestin affirms the love of Jesus
Dee Brestin
Dee Brestin is a champion for our women. Her publisher made her new book He Calls You Beautiful available for all the women in our faith-based dorms. She spent several days this month in our prisons teaching from the Song of Songs. Dee taught from the Song on how Jesus is like a deer that both hides to test us and leaps out to encourage us.
She said, “Lisa trusted God when He hid, when she did not hear back from her sons, but then, oh! He leapt out when she saw her son had kept all her letters!” Dee was thrilled to see how encouraged the women were by God’s love in the Song of Songs. Dee’s reflections: https://deebrestin.com/2017/11/thanksgiving-2017-part/
When you contribute to Discipleship Unlimited you support our Faith Dorms, Celebrate Recovery, Refuel, and Reignite. We have many of our graduates across the great state of Texas wanting fellowship and discipleship. Would you consider investing in this work as part of your year-end giving?
Thank you for your faithful love, support and prayers. Be encouraged in his love. He calls you beautiful.
The entire staff and volunteer team of Discipleship Unlimited