“You go where you’re sent;
You stay where you’re put;
You give what you’ve got.”
God has raised up a mighty army to wage war against the enemy who comes to lie, steal, and destroy. Praise Him with me as we consider how He’s led, provided, and strengthened us over these last 14 years.
In 2003, we were loading our U-Haul for the move from Wisconsin to Texas when the doctor’s report came. My husband of 40 years had aggressive cancer. Our house was sold, and we had bought one in Texas. Too late to turn back!
The battle lasted nearly five years; it was hard and bravely fought. Nine years ago, on March 24, 2008, Dallas finished the race. In his final months, he challenged me to keep running. We knew God had opened a door of great opportunity. We’d been going to prison together since 1976, and together we started the Murray Faith-Based Dorm in 2005.
On April 6, 2017, Discipleship Unlimited receives the Governor’s Criminal Justice Service Award presented by the Texas Board of Criminal Justice. Now is the time to boast in the Lord. Only God can make beauty out of ashes, and He uses us! What a privilege!
Linda with Charlie and Mary Alice Wise
Charlie and Mary Alice Wise opened their Gatesville home to us, and it has been open ever since.
Christi and Tommy Moorman flew me monthly to San Antonio to teach.
2003 (Spring)
Dallas and I taught Purpose Driven Life. We prayed about the prisons in Texas and listened. The still, small voice of God spoke.
2003 (Fall)
Dallas moved via MD Anderson hospital. I stayed with Art and Aileen Jones. They became stretcher bearers.
Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baka, They make it a place of springs…..Ps. 84
Kathy Diaz, Administrative Assistant
Birth of the Murray Faith-Based Dorm. Temple Bible Church provided our first sound equipment and materials. Today we have six Faith-Based Dorms with sound systems and everything we need to disciple women.
Our Texas staff started with Kathy Diaz in 2005. Kathy, Edrena Smith and Carla Hooton are part-time staff, hand selected by God. True armor-bearers!
Edrena, Lisa, and Jean
Terry and Jean Strom minister full time in worship, recovery, teaching, seminars, and reentry. They do Celebrate Recovery inside and outside.
Jake has spent the last six months as an intern. He is a joy-bringer. Big D would be so grateful. We started with 10 volunteers, and now we have more than 200 active volunteers.
Our first Reignite. Reignite is a retreat for our faith-dorm ladies now free on the outside.
We moved into areas of reentry. And God continues to expand our territory.
Your faithful support and prayers encourage and equip us. Thank you ministry partners.
Rejoicing together!
Linda, Terry, and the DU staff and team