Reignite at Woodman
More and more we at Discipleship Unlimited are realizing the value of aftercare, so that those who’ve been set free do not become enslaved all over again.
Reignite is part of our aftercare program where ex-offenders and volunteers come together celebrating the freedom that only Jesus can deliver. What strength the women find in being together and “reigniting!”
Even if they are dry and thirsty, they come and find living water through worship, prayer, fellowship, and testimonies. This living water, found through fellowship, helps keep them free!
Lisa, one of our DU Volunteers who used to be at Woodman, said, “It’s like a fun family reunion, and it is so hard to say good bye when it is over. I’ve never had a family like this before.” So, we are finding more ways to multiply our aftercare programs. All across Texas, women are gathering for fellowship and sharing resources for those reentering society – and we are seeing God move! Here are just a few examples:
- Deb Adams, a graduate from Trusty Faith-Based Dorm, has already started a recovery group.
- Norma, a recently released graduate, has lead several family members to Jesus.
Update from Terry
Terry, Jean, and Jake at Reignite
“It was such a joy for Jean and I to be at Reignite this year. Our son, Jake, played with the worship team and lead singing around the campfire. Jake was an intern with DU for eight months and experienced the love of God for those behind the fences. At Reignite, he saw and heard evidence of changed lives.
Five women from our Celebrate Recovery at the Woodman Unit came. They shared their victories and struggles since being released. They encouraged and prayed for one other. Shirley traveled all the way from Minnesota. Upon leaving Reignite, she and another lady from Woodman Unit went to Dallas, where they shared their testimonies at “Church under the bridge.” Shirley lived as an addict and homeless person under this same bridge. Now, she is bringing hope.
Churches have opened their doors, and those once behind fences are coming and sharing their stories. Jean and I continue to have ongoing relationships with those attending Celebrate Recovery at Heights Baptist and Temple Bible Church. Jean is so good at keeping in touch with those who are in other cities in Texas. Now many are in leadership at Celebrate Recovery in their churches, and we travel to their groups to speak and encourage them.”
We are grateful for what God is doing in all our lives and celebrate and glorify Him. Your partnership makes this ministry possible. Thank you for joining with us in prayer and support.
The Strom Family-Staff and Volunteers