What an event is Easter Sunday at Woodman State Jail!
We meet outside in the yard to accommodate nearly 500 women who file in by dorms and are seated on the ground. Oh how powerful is the worship! Most of the women are weeping as they sing of the amazing love of Jesus.
The announcement is made “He is Risen!” The response from the women in white is an enthusiastic: “He is risen indeed!”
Our Warden stays for the service as well as a team of correctional officers. We are the church. Some are locked up, but all can be free. The King of Glory comes with healing, hope, and forgiveness.I see a visual expression of the power of the resurrection.
Tina Washington
Tina Washington did time at the Hobby Unit in Marlin, TX. She was in our faith-based dorm.
“We are locked up, but He has the key to our freedom. Suddenly, we realize we are His treasure. He does His work of restoration, forgiveness, and grace in our lives, and then sends us out to declare his kindness.”
Tina coordinates Refuel for Discipleship Unlimited in the Dallas/Ft Worth area and is an awesome volunteer.
Linda Wade
Linda Wade ministers in worship dance. Linda started coming from Wisconsin to Texas with our team in 1995. A brilliant dancer and artist, she immediately gained the attention and admiration of the women. She ministered to the women on death row.
Karla Faye Tucker was deeply impacted by her expression of worship and asked how she might pray for her. Linda’s request: “Could she be a catalyst to keep young inner city youth from ending up in prison?”
In 2001, on another flight home from Texas, her thoughts again turned to the inner city of Milwaukee. On that flight, Above the Clouds was birthed. Above the Clouds is a non-profit fine arts program for youth aged 5-17. More than 6,500 young people have participated in Above the Clouds. Instruction is given in ballet, arts, and tutoring. Youth are loved, mentored, and affirmed as they are kept off the streets. This vision was birthed in prison. Jesus does amazing things behind these fences.
Terry and Jean
Terry Strom finished this wonderful Easter service by sharing his story. He was on the same ministry trip in 1995, and Jean came the next year. Their lives collided with the amazing love of God. They moved to Texas in 2004 to serve in the ministry of Discipleship Unlimited. Terry closed by singing Karla’s song. “I see Jesus in you.” What a joyful finale!
Thank you ministry partners for your support and prayers.
We are overwhelmed with His love.
Linda Strom