September 2024

Lisa graduating from D.U. Faith Dorm in 2008

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Juda and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.
— Acts 1:8

In 2008, Edrena Smith was introduced to Discipleship Unlimited and went to Woodman with Terry and Jean Strom. She was blown away by the women in white's desire for more of Jesus. It was an immediate God connection, and today the story continues. She is on our staff and overseas all our faith dorms. She spends lots of time at the Murray Unit where Kim Jackson is our inside coordinator. Kim not only does the Faith Dorm but has been given access to reach out to most of the 1,200 women housed there.
This is their report:

The Murray faith dorm was blessed this summer to have college students from Highland Baptist Church take part in their classes. There were 25 students and 5 leaders. These students gave their testimonies, led small group discussion and worship, plus took part in the celebration of two of our alumni being released from incarceration after a combined 50 plus years. Lisa, one of the women served 30 years and was a long-time mentor in the dorm. She is now at the DU Ranch and is a wonderful addition to the Ranch Women.

Lisa and Kim in the ranch prayer room.

Students have a prayer connection with the Murray Faith Dorm.

After hearing the testimonies of trauma and struggles with which some of the students have dealt, there was a new appreciation for the commonalities of our journeys. One of the leaders was able to share about the desire God had given her and her husband for opening their home to children in foster care. As a result, they have adopted 3 of those children. It was a bittersweet time for the women that have lost their own children into foster care due to their incarceration-to grieve their loss but also rejoice and have hope that there are those that love their children.

One of the students has studied Hebrew in college and one of our women was brought up in a Jewish background. They had a God- orchestrated night when he "just happened" to sit by her without either of them knowing about the other.

After the women left the classes, the students knelt on the floor in a circle to pray for them. Now, the women have been faithful to continue to pray for the students as they start their new semester of college. What a privilege to see God bring these groups together.

Both the students and the women continue to give testimonies of how the power of this connection has impacted their lives. Several of the college students plan to continue to volunteer this fall. God has brought the lonely into families. What an amazing example of how God creates His forever family.

Chelsea is a graduate from our Murray Faith Dorm. She is now a Life coach. Please pray for her as she ministers throughout the prison.

I am so thankful for the team God has brought together. Lives are being changed both on the inside of prison and out. Thank you for your faithful support and prayers. We will have another new ranch girl in October, so we will have a full house. This is made possible by your faithful support.

Linda and the team

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