For more than a decade, we’ve been leading Celebrate Recovery in prison, a program that uses Christ-centered teaching to overcome hurts, habits, and addictive behavior. We have Celebrate Recovery Inside classes at Woodman State Jail, Marlin, and Trusty Camp.
Woodman Women Free on the Outside
On Open Share Nights, our women in white can tell how God is working in their lives. Our CRI volunteers vary from ex-offenders and recovering addicts to neighbors and pastors. All leave the prison in amazement after seeing God at work.
One of the huge benefits of CRI is that when our women leave prison they can connect to CRprograms in churches on the outside. Jean and I have been involved in ministry at Celebrate Recovery at Temple Bible and Heights Baptist. Many of our ex-offenders have found a home there as well.
Women who were once attending behind prison walls are joining forces with us to declare freedom from hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Several ex-offenders have started this Christ-centered program in their local churches. Jean and I have the privilege of going and leading worship and sharing our stories with them.
Celebrate Recovery Testimonies
Our ex-offenders stories are so amazing and inspiring that we are filming them to use in our CRI program. One of the camera men commented on how impacted he was by these stories. These women who’ve been set free have a passion to get this message to everyone! The power of God is liberating captives. Please pray for this project.
Ashley’s Story
Ashley was a nurse, had a loving family, and was raised in the church. But when her life begin to spiral out of control, she started using drugs and alcohol to “numb the pain.” She was eventually introduced to methamphetamine and soon was without a job. She then became homeless, and finally was headed to prison.
In prison, Ashley reconnected with God through CRI and the Faith-Based Dorm program. She decided to give her entire life to Jesus. She has never looked back. She recently was baptized and freely shares her spiritual journey. Today Ashley is drug free, has been reunited with her children, got married, and has a job and a home.
What blessings God has for those who surrender to Him. Ashley is one of the many women who share their story for His glory every chance she gets. She is working with DU on our Recovery and Reentry program.
Your partnership with us allows us to move forward in Recovery and Reentry. We are so grateful.
Terry and Jean
Discipleship Unlimited staff and volunteers