How DU Celebrates and Supports Re-Entry

It’s been more than 10 years since our first faith-based dorm graduation. Now many of our women have been released from prison, and we have stayed connected through Celebrate Recovery and Reignite.

They have overcome many obstacles. They have stories that can help others, and these are being filmed. In September, 20 of our ladies will share their re-entry journey on DVD!

We will use these DVDs to help women on the inside prepare to return to the free world. These testimonies bring much-needed hope.


Deb Gore, Discipleship Unlimited volunteer, coordinated this project. Below Deb shared a few of the highlights:

  • Each woman spoke of God's amazing power to change them. Trena just seemed to breathe God's word, even though she doesn't have a high school diploma and has dyslexia and ADHD and is legally blind.  Nonetheless, she LOVES God's word and has made it an integral part of her life.
  • Mildred told us how her family thought she just had "jailhouse religion" and wouldn't really be different, and how she has left her previous life of dealing drugs and is striving to live in a way that pleases God. She also shared that God provides for her in amazing and unexpected ways.
  • Two former meth addicts and a former heroin addict shared that God helps them daily walk in recovery.


Twanji has a weekly Christian radio show and has just purchased a building in Dallas (with a group of people) to help create a halfway house for women leaving prison.

God sets the captives free and invites them to be on mission with him.

Discipleship Unlimited Re-Entry Adventure

Our first Reignite, a weekend retreat for ex-offenders and their families, was held in 2013. We listened and prayed as the women shared their stories. We sang, prayed, laughed, and cried. We knew that a weekend retreat was valuable both for the ladies returning home as well as for our volunteers, so it is a yearly event.

Melissa, Hope, and Laura

Carla Hooton, Discipleship Unlimited Re-Entry Coordinator, is establishing Refuels throughout the state of Texas. Refuel is an afternoon event similar to Reignite. Dallas-Fort Worth, San Antonio, and East Texas already have Refueling stations.

Former ladies in white are taking leadership roles. Carla is ready to help plant these re-entry days in other parts of the state. We are on mission with our Lord. What a joy!

We are expanding in so many areas and need to raise additional support. Please join us in prayer for additional finances. Your prayers accomplish much.

Thank you for your faithful support and prayer.

In his abundant grace and Love,

The Discipleship staff and awesome team of volunteers